Noelia from Nicaragua

Our guest from Central America brought a bit of sun and warmth into these cold winter days. Noelia from Nicaragua was always positive and she kept smiling all the time.

She just finished her bachelor and decided to travel through Europe for 3 months. She started in the north of Germany and is slowly traveling towards the south of Europe

BEST of her stay: Noelia arrived on 26th January, when Australians celebrate their national holiday - Australia day. For us it's just an excuse to make delicious Australian cake - pavlova. However, we wanted Noelia to be part of cake-making process, so we asked her to decorate the cake. Her response was: "Waw, that's going to be my first cake that I've ever decorated!" Since I just explained her the origin of the cake's name, she decided to decorate it like a face of the ballerina Ana Pavlova. And what we got was a funny and a bit abstract cake, but still delicious :)



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